Friday 6 December 2013

My testimony

1. My life before I know God

If you did add me on Facebook you will know my username is foreveralone.
Many people will ask how this name came about... This name came about 4 or 5 years back
Yes.. I went into a top school, Nan Chiau High.. Expectation was extremely high for me.. At times I felt really depressed if I could not get into top 20 of the class.
I felt broken and these guys pick me up (refer to pictures below)
For once I felt love and care, and is not about the result and money that I need to earn..

For once I thought that I had my freedom without a sets of rules to follow.

2. How I came about to know Christ?

Long before City Harvest, I was visiting Heart of God Church which Brian lead me to. 
I was really desperate in need of help,
cos guys you know due to my rebellious nature no one wants to get near to me. 
My offence form almost topped sky high man! 
And during this age w/o a girlfriend is such a loser.. 
And my parents were really disappoint at me..
The transition that I goes through brought about to let me know Christ more..

P-S: Thanks you! Brian, kelvin (whom brought me to CHC), Phyllis, Peijia,munjun (sis that I always could share w), Bronson, Gordon, chewy, E412
I respect those who given me support a willing heart to wait for my calling, to mould me into who I am now :)

3. What happened?

I guess let the pictures explains itself.. I guess this are most of the moments that I really love that I really smiled..  

So they cried out again, “Crucify Him!” Then Pilate said to them, “Why, what evil has He done?” But they cried out all the more, “Crucify Him!” (Mark 15:13, 14 NKJV)

I really crucify myself for new body isn't it awesome?
But the route was not easy.. Sometimes I will ask myself qns like why do I need God or why did i surrender to God?

Ya asking is good cos is part of growing :)

I learnt that all I can say I done it willingly, there's no turning back, I happy with Christ, The Holy Spirit overwhelms me :)

I think that's enough answers for my qns.



4. Future

Frankly speaking I never thought of that far yet, cos there's so much to learn about Christ. 
Maybe yes I gotta a vision that i want to be a leader like Bronson, a fun carefree leader!! So open to the youth and the Gospel. I also wish to see people following me when I turn back! Cos the greatest gift is not about the Christmas present will it be bigger more awesome than last year or the birthday present I'm getting next year, but is about soul being saved soul that cried Jesus!

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