Tuesday 15 October 2013

God's love

This topic which I want to talk about is really the basic of Christianity but is also quite a big topic to talk about. We all know God's love is unconditional and even through the toughs times, but sometimes we couldn't be like God. Temptation, self-conscious, money just lead us away from God.


If there's two religion we need to choose a side to stand likewise in current situation we need to choose between God and boyfriend and girlfriend (for those who don't know how to balance between) I will choose God. I learned that my selfish love for the party, sooner or later will lead to hurts, not just me but both party, but God is always there for us to love cos He first love us.

2. Self-conscious 

We always care about our looks, time and materials that we couldn't get enough. However, we tend to forget Christ! Sometimes, sacrifices is needed to be made, I'm not saying big sacrifices like donating large amount of money etc. sacrificing your time for quiet time with God is enough to satisfies Him.

in conclusion, choose God cos God is real, God will just prepares the route for u and you just need to embrace it, though sometimes I will like asking God why!! Your timing  buay zun eh. However, I will go thru this roller coaster ride cos I know it will be worth it cos God is a good God isn't it? Hahaha

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