Sunday 20 October 2013

My weekend!

Happy Birthday peijia, I still prefer to call you Peijia, it seems I'm much closer to you. It seems we just meet haha but we knew each other for so long! Yeah though when you attend cg and svr I always shoot you, hope you know I don't really mean it okay! Just that I don't really like your princessy style other than that there's nothing to pick on cos you're a caring, cheerful and pretty lil girl. 
I guess you already had a big birthday celebration, I hope you really enjoyed it! I also hope that you also understand why I didn't attend your birthday celebration. 
Yes sometimes we should let go and let the grace flow through us but I don't know what attitude should I use to face her. I like pure ppl, in the sense not two sided. To me she gave me so much to remember alr. 
Well carry on..
Hope you like the pairs of rilakkuma :)

Adventure cove
Adventure cove was really really fun just that we couldn't play all the ride. Stingrays, high element, tidal twister, reef. However, the one that left me was the reef and high elements because the reef is a good experience cos you don't need to go Maldives to experience such clarity in the water, snorkeling with the fishes was definetely fun. The high element was a another eye-opener course cos I climbed the high rope to ring the bell. When I was reaching the top my body felt imbalance and I was shaking all around, then I say in my heart God just let me ring that bell yeah!
I stretched my hand out to ring bell
"Clang, clang"
I drop back into the water, I felt like I was in a coma  but I was really happy and felt fulfilling, it also just erased all those memories :)

Halloween night at USS
It was okay, didn't took lots photos, but I saw the other side of USS !
And was my first time eating loh mee, it was so awesome okay! 
And later to v6 club then we ended our day at bugis haha!

Pastor Phil pringle's service

Awesome presence of God! The praise and worship was really moving! Though the aircon was really cold to me we turn the heat up for God.
"Jump Jump" ..
Reaching out to Jesus
Burn our soul to gold! 

Photo credit: Jere

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